Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Weekend and Ikea

I can't believe that it's Tuesday. I feel so out of wack for whatever reason. I love spontaneity and yet I really love the comfort of routine. It's funny when I miss a day of work or what not. It takes me a day to get used to it usually. Anyways...

So, first, I mountain biked on Saturday!!! Umm, two words..."outta shape". It didn't help that rather than do a 6 mile Madonna Mountain ride I did a 15 mile Montana de Oro ride. I made it though. I was all over the trail, could not pick a line, stepped off the bike at least a half dozen times when normally I would have cleaned the trail, fell twice, and had a pair of tired legs but...LOVED IT! It felt so good to be back out there, enjoying God's amazing creation away from everyone, and cranking away on the bike. The full suspension was quite lovely too.

As for Monday, I took the day off and went to Ikea with the Iunkers. Dori and Lindsey picked me up at 6am. Lindsey is not much of a morning person and so Dori and I talked the first half of the trip. Then we stopped and got coffee and suddenly Lindsey started talking. Imagine that. :-). Our first stop was at Stanford. The doctor checked out Lindsey's foot and all is well in Lindsey's foot world. She gets to walk now and can take her boot off in two weeks. Wowie!

Next stop...IKEA! It was like going to Disney Land. I was so excited!!! We first tried to convince Lindsey that she could jump onto the escalator with one foot. I demonstrated this technique for her but it apparently wasn't appealing. After we found the elevator, learned the low-down of the carts and where to get them, we set off. When we first walked in I was thoroughly overwhelmed. There was so much visual stimulation, I didn't know where to look first. Then I got into shopping mode. I'm beginning to realize that I'm a total "power shopper". I get in, get out, and I'm done. Granted, Lindsey was on crutches...so it made her a little slower. :-)

We ended up shopping for 4 HOURS! Can you believe that? $95 later I left the store with 3 pots, 2 pans, potholders, a side table, steak knives, 2 trash cans, two lamps, two ice cube trays, a dish rack, a colander, a set of food savers (tupperware), a set of glasses, an ironing board, 2 vases, a set of sheets, and a toilet brush. Not bad eh? I'm sure I'm forgetting some stuff. Anyways, it was super fun. I could have bought a ton more but I was really trying to stay within the budget. I only went $10 over. Not too shabby. There were also some things that I was planning on buying but didn't. I just didn't like the quality of some of it. It was a wonderful and fun place though.

So, now I'm back and it's time to get back to work. I have a bunch of packing and moving to do. That is all going to happen on Sunday evening. It's also Jason's cousin's graduation party and Father's Day so I'm not sure how I'm going to squeeze it all in. What will end up happening is that I'll have to spread it out through the week. Boo! I would rather stay up all night and just hammer it all out, but I don't think that will be happening. Oh well. Anyways, it a gorgeous day today and I hope some of you get to enjoy it! Until tomorrow...probably! :-)


Kristen Borland said...

Wow! Four hours! So glad Ikea didn't disappoint you! (By the way, if Lindsey slowed you down, you could have dropped her off in the day care play zone.... Just kidding, Lindsey!)

Jason and Anna said...

Haha! Yeah, that was amazing. That's such a good idea. I hated shopping with my mom when I was little and would have loved something like that!