Well, yesterday I finally got the call that my bike frame is done. About time! I turned it in 12 working days ago. I guess he said that it would take 7-10 working days. I thought it would take less time though for whatever reason. I'm really excited to go get it and yet pretty nervous. I'm kind of afraid that it's not going to look that cool. Oh well. It needed to be painted either way, it had a bit of corrosion on different spots. So...after work today I'm going to go pick it up! Hopefully it won't cost more than he said that it would...that's sort of all I budgeted for. :-) After we get it we have the long and tedious path of putting it all back together. Ugg. It's so much easier to take it apart! :-) Hopefully though...maybe in a week or so, I will be riding my own revamped bike. That will be exciting!
Did I mention that last weekend when I went on a ride I didn't wear any sunscreen? We were out from about 11-1pm. Pretty much the peak of the day. We remembered the sunscreen, or the lack of, on the way out to Montana de Oro. Hmmmm. Let's just say that I can no longer make fun of Jason and his bike jersey tan. I have a very defined, bright one myself. I got pretty burnt. I cringe every time that happens because I know that it's really not good at all. I'm too fair to be getting burnt. I have that skin though where I burn and then turn tan. Not a deep rich tan like Jason but a freckly tan. So, currently I have pretty dark arms and very white shoulders with a defined line across the middle of my upper arm, differentiating between the tan territory and the white territory. I have light hands too with a very lovely glove line. Hmmm. Oh well. As if that wasn't bad enough, from my knees up for about 4 inches it's tan too. Not the rest of my legs though. Oh well. I had a tank top on and went downtown. I forgot about the line and felt some what awkward. Then I went to the bike shop and felt a little more at ease. They get it! Jersey tans are just part of biking I guess. :-) I guess if I ever want to wear a tank top this summer (with out a farmer's tan) I might consider investing in a sleeveless jersey. We'll see though! :-) Ok, adios friends!
8 years ago
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