Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Why is it that...

Here are some questions I wonder about sometimes. I saw someone else do this and it seemed fun so here it goes...

Why is it that...

-some internet sites seem to to trap me there. They won't let you go "page back" or anything. some blogs even do it. It bugs me.

-you can't buy brocolli in a can? It seems like you can buy every other veggie. Hmmm. I think that it would be gross though.

-you know how they say that you can't block an emergency exit inside a building? (like you can't hang out inside in front of a door) If there was an emergency though...wouldn't you run out the exit, therefore no longer blocking it!?!

-everytime I have PMS I never realize it at first and think that I am coming down with some sort of bug. You would think that I would figure it out eventually.

-I don't feel hungry from when I get up to about 1pm. After 1pm though I feel like I eat 3 times what I should and I am just starving...even if I make myself eat more in the morning.

-size 0 pants at Gap don't come in "short". They are made for someone who is like 5'7"! The average size 0 girl is short...not tall. I'm tired of hemming my pants!

-(more on pants :-) )I used to wear a 2 at Gap and other stores and now wear a 0. I didn't lose weight. If they keep adjusting the sizes I will no longer fit in clothes...that's no good.

-it is sooooo hard to give things to the Lord. It is a constant, minute by minute battle for me sometimes. I think with every day I live I see more and more the true depth of the sin and depravity of man.

-the Lord would love ME to send His Son for MY life. I just can't wrap my head around it.


Liv said...

Anna, I am still trying to figure out what you said about the emergency exit. So on green tea, yes yes antioxidants galore! I still do drink green tea, but I have switched to a chinese kind that is 100% green tea, I can totally tell when I havent had any, (my energy). I have also heard that it helps burn fat in your body. I knew it helped the body in many ways but didnt know about the acne part. Thats really cool!

jenny said...

Hi Anna! Just was thinking of you today and wanted to say hi to you while you were bored at work! I like all your ponderings... I hate the blog thing too... (#1, I believe). Oh, and I'm really liking the freerice.com website. Travis and I played it the other night. I got up to 36, but that was just my best score. :-) Love you!