Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Might as Well...

Well, I am at work right now and I am so very bored. I have only worked 5 hours so far (3 1/2 left to go) and yet it feels like so much more. So, I thought that I would Blog...becuase that might help 20 min go by faster. I have nothing of real interest to say but I thought that I would do that "Things you don't know about me" thingy that I saw on Lisa Leonard's blog...who by the way has the cutest blog ever. it goes.

1. I don't like white creamy things but am obsessed with Sour Cream. Mayonnaise, Alfrdeo Sauce, Ranch....all of those things really gross me out and yet for some reason I just love sour cream. It's probably one of my favorite condiments.

2. I have no tolerance for people who smack when they chew their food. It is like finger nails on a chalk board and it takes everything that I have to not scream out "Oh my gosh! Didn't your parents teach you how to chew with out the world hearing you!" It's really bad. Sorry out there to all of you who smack! :-)

3. I like old things. Old people, old cars, old chairs, old houses...if it's old, I like it and the more pathetic the better.

4. I have a wierd thing about naming random objects...particularly things that aren't all that Jason's old yellow truck that he used to have. I named it Hary becuase it had dog hair in it from the past owner. I find that when I name things I form some sort of odd emotional bond to it. So, something that was not desirable, becomes desirable some how becuase it has a name...weird. Now that I think about it...I named all of my dad's old beat up cars when I was young...and I ws always oddly sad to see them go. Hmmm.

5. My collar bones are hyper sensitive. Maybe it's becuase they stick out 4 feet from my body. I never knew this until Jason came along. He grabbed one once and made some comment about how skinny I was. I started to panick and I fought as hard as I could to get him away from me....he obviously thought it was hilarious which has led me to the discovery that prolonged touching of them makes me hyperventilate and some what violent.

6. hmmm...I have almost no hearing in my left ear from multiple ear infections as a kid.

And that's all. I can't really think of anything that is interesting. Well, thanks for entertaining me for a few minutes...only 3 hours and 20 minutes more to go.