Monday, December 1, 2008

I'm a really bad blogger

So, I used to be a blogging Queen!!!! What happened? It's funny because I feel like I actually have less to say now. For whatever reason I could always think of things to say when I blogged every day. Now, I think that I forget to make "blog notes" in my head. I know, it's a bit pathetic but when interesting things happened I used to think, "Oooh, I have to remember to blog about this." I don't really do that any more so things just get lost in my mind and I can't think of anything worth writing about.

Let's see what I can dig up...! :-) So, I'm enjoying the van. It's nice to DRIVE!!! Yay. I also enjoy the fact that it has ac, power steering, and cup holders. I'm immensely enjoying the fact that I can drink coffee and turn the wheel without feeling like I'm a hazard. (It was a bit tough to drink coffee, drive a stick, and turn the wheel without power steering). I can also text message easily while driving! :-) It's so much simpler when you are driving an automatic. I's not safe. But I was pretty good at it while driving a stick...just think how good and safe I am now that I drive an automatic. haha. So, the car situation is quite nice.

Wedding plans are coming along. We send out the invites in two weeks. We are sending the invites at the 6-week mark. It's a little crazy to realize how close we are getting to the big day. Very exciting! So, if you get something in the mail from's not a Christmas card! :-)

Overall things are good. I'm enjoying the company of Mrs. Fugler here! She's just lovely and her little girly is pretty darn cute. She's so tiny! :-)

Man, this week is a crazy week. It's getting to that time of year! On Tuesday night Jason and I have a Christmas party. On Wednesday night we have growth group. I work on Thursday night. On Saturday we have our engagement shots (yeah, we're a little behind on that!), on Saturday night we have another Christmas party, and on Sunday night...yes, ANOTHER Christmas party. Whoa mama! Kind of crazy. Good times though! Ok, well, I'm beat and I need to go to bed! Hope you all have a great week!


Mama Mote said...

Yay! She's back. Glad to hear things are going well with your wedding plans, your housing (say hi to Jenny & Bella), and your driving. Good to see you every so often. Love you.